In 1990, world-renowned calligraphers, Stan Knight and Denys Taipale-Knight, placed an ad in a local newspaper, inviting anyone interested in calligraphy to come to their home for a meeting. Ten people responded and gathered at the Knight's cozy Mount Vernon, Washington farmhouse and a guild was born.
Denys established the name "Rain Writers", Stan designed the logo (our masthead on this blog), and people came from as far as 100 miles away to participate in this newly formed guild.
Our leadership has long since transferred from the Knights to our members, but our focus has remained constant from the beginning. As Stan stated in our first newsletter in 1991, "We are all here to help each other, to support each other, and to encourage the growth and awareness of good calligraphic lettering."
Portland Society for Calligraphy Workshop with Jurgen Vercaemst
ReplyDeleteLetters Got Rhythm - Adventures in Built-Up Italic and Companion Hands
With Jurgen Vercaemst
Dates: A five-lesson course held on Monday, February 22, 2021, Tuesday February 23, 2021; and three successive Mondays, March 1st, 8th and 15th..
Registration Begins: January 4, 2021.
Location: Zoom sessions
Hours: Each class will be two hours from 10:00 am to Noon, Pacific Time.
Jurgen Vercaemst is known for his methodical calligraphic sketchbooks filled with letters that delightfully dance across the pages. In this workshop, he takes students through various methods of creating these unique drawn letters, from monoline to built-up along with use of color and other techniques.
For more information, visit a
I. A former student of Denise from great falls I currently live in california
ReplyDeleteMark Huestis I'm on facebook
ReplyDeleteHi, I am a former student of Deny’s when she taught at CGF, Great Falls, MT during 1979 and 1980. If anyone has any updated information on her I would appreciate knowing. I would love to make contact with her. My email address is